Offer Guru Dakshina to Velukkudi Sri. U. Ve. Ranganathan Swami

Velukkudi Sri U. Ve. Ranganathan Swamy is a scholar of Traditional Indian Knowledge Systems, including Nyaya, Purva Mimamsa and Vishishtadvaita Vedanta. He is also an Upanyasaka delivering discourses in Tamil, English and Sanskrit on a variety of topics under the ambit of Sanatana Dharma including Itihasas, Puranas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Divyaprabandhams and Stotrams.
He has undergone rigorous training in the Shastrams and is also well versed in core texts of Srivaishnavism, having received training from several learned scholars including his father Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy, a world-renowned Upanyasaka.
Indian Contributors
You may offer your Sambhavanai through an online payment. Please enter an amount and click Next button to proceed:
Guru Dakshina
Enter Sambhavanai Amount
Google Pay ID: velukkudir@
UPI ID: velukkudir@oksbi (or) velukkudiranga@ybl
You may transfer your Sambhavanai to Ranganathan Swamy’s bank account, the details of which are given below:
Bank Name: City Union Bank
Name: K Ranganathan
Account No: 500101012729284
IFSC: CIUB0000279
Overseas Contributors
You can transfer Guru Dakshina through any transfer mechanism using the details below:
Bank Name: City Union Bank
First Name: Ranganathan
Last Name: K
Account No: 500101012729284
IFSC: CIUB0000279
Address: No.6, Bheemasena Garden Street, Mylapore, Chennai – 600004.
Phone: 8248893598
Once you have sent your Sambhavanai, you may kindly give your details using the form below: